
Showing posts from January, 2020

Short Answers!

The next couple of posts will be multiple questions that don't require longer answers. I am limiting these to three questions so there isn't as much information to take in! I would like to thank Kim and Odebt for these questions.  Please, without questions there is no blog so ask, ask, ask! What is preferred? To have the judge and handler look at the dog, or the camera, or vary it? Some handlers are so proud of their accomplishment and can't help but look at the camera, but is it considered more appropriate to look at the dog every time to bring attention to the dog?   One should always look at the dog, it’s a dog show, technically, the dog won! Most judges already do this; some even move out, and turn slightly in, to "see" the dog better in photos. If all people in the photo are looking at the dog then anyone looking at the photo, will be drawn to the dog as well and dog shows, after all, are about the dog. (All of this said even experienced handlers and...

What can I do as an exhibitor to help the photographer get that great picture? I get so nervous after a good win that it is hard for me to relax enough to make sure the dog is properly stacked etc. It must be that rush of adrenaline. Plus it always seems so rushed. -JO

It is an exciting time, the few minutes right after the win! A photo can seem rushed for sure, as there are usually 4 rings per photographer and with most superintendents, they all break around the same time. First and easiest for you, is to make sure you are ready to go. Take a deep breath and relax!  The photos are truly the easiest part. Remember, the judge has signed the book and cannot "take it back."  Thank the judge on the way to the ramp, podium, table or mats for the photo. this gets everyone back into the excitement, but is still relaxing.. (helps you get your thoughts out of your own head).. remember, you did this already to win!  If you have a coated dog, bring someone to help brush/comb the dog out, and to make sure things are lying the way they should. Then look at the dogs "feet" make sure they are set fairly well there.. I will tell you what to fix for the picture.   If for some reason you have not liked what you have received on a part...

Exhibitor etiquette with photographers?-MH

I didn’t understand this question so I answered it many different ways, then I re-read it and least I answered the question in here too! My etiquette, as a Photographer? I must always ask for permission to enter the judges ring. I must be quick, and concise. I must NEVER put a judge behind, or in a "bad spot in anyway." It is helpful if I know which judges run behind or ahead. If they want to walk to a podium, or prefer to stay in the ring. I should be conscious of judges that are not feeling well, that need to get to lunch (first because it’s part of their pay, second because they deserve to eat, and finally, because some of them need to for health reasons!) I must also be conscious of the group order, who is judging what, and how far along the groups are. Photographers etiquette to the club?  Clubs hire us, but they do not pay us; the exhibitor does. Having said that, however, it's the judge that controls whether or not we are allowed in the rin...

“What is the best stack for each breed? And why are they stacked a certain way?” -MH

This is a “there is a general rule and then there are the exceptions” kind of question. Most breeds are at a slight angle (we joke and call it a ⅞ on occasion) so you have an overall look at the dog, all four legs, both eyes, both ears and the tail are all visible. Having the ears alert and mouth shut are also common. Small dogs on a table or ramp allows the photo to center on the dog, when you put a small dog on the ground and then stand you are going to have a hard time with this and many of our older judges cannot kneel beside you. Large dogs can be shot on the podium at the back drop but the largest should not be as it often is too short for a Great Dane or Mastiff to stretch out properly. Now for the exceptions, and the why for each: Three breeds are “three legged stools.” The Pug, French Bulldog and Bulldog They should show two front legs, and the camera side rear. The camera side front should "hide" the exhibitor side rear. These are small “head breeds” and t...